Me? I’d tell this little pixie to sharpen her wit instead of hiding it away. To keep volunteering in the Library over recess and getting first read of all the good books, instead of bowing to peer pressure and hanging out with the ‘cool kids’. I’d tell her that big teased bangs were coming, and they were a bad, bad idea. (Keeping it real) I’d tell her I’m SO damn proud of her for standing her ground when a boy challenged her to a fight, and then slapped her in the face in the schoolyard, because she beat him in a classroom debate!! And I’d stand up and cheer as she raised her chin a little higher and looked him straight in the eye. And I’d tell her to RAISE HELL when the principal told her that the boy was only acting out because his ego was bruised. Ugh I’d tell her that life is about to throw a whole lot of challenges at her, and society is going to tell her she’s not good enough. And it’s a LIE. She is SO freaking good enough! I’d tell her that she is worthy and deserving of BIG LOVE, and that while she may kiss a few frogs, there is gonna be a prince in her future. And above all else, I’d tell her she is wicked smart and funny, and beautiful and brave. And that she has something big to share, and it’d be cooler if she didn’t let anyone convince her otherwise. If YOU could go back in time and tell your 7 year old self something… what would it be?